Wednesday 17 August 2011

William III and The Scots

Couple of pics of some mini's i just painted. Not the best paint job but i'll keep at it :D

Monday 15 August 2011

Pictures from djokergaming

Thanks to Scott from djokergaming for the fantastic pictures of his Tilliers' Regiment with our Flags on them. I've been dealing with Scott for sometime and i have to say his mini's are simply amazing. Check out his blog below.

Saturday 13 August 2011

28mm English Civil War Cavalry Cornets

Who will it be Parliments Ironsides, the Royalist Cavilers or Devout Covenanters?

Well now you have a choice from Flags of War with our new English Civil War Cavalry Cornets.

 As well as some Regiment of Horse Cornets we have done some Standard Designs as well. We also have Dragoon Guidons coming soon as well.

Monday 8 August 2011

28mm William III and James II Flags Updated

The Williamite Flag range was the very first flags we launch on the site. In that time we have changed our style and improve on the quality as well. We felt that we should update the flags to match this. We have also included a few new Regiments as well.

Hope you like them.

William III Army Here 
James II Army Here 

What shall we do???

Have you ever thought why can i not get a certain unit flag or flags from a Period that you have not seen anywhere else?

We are just a small team, well just me really and I sometimes find myself doing one new range of flags for the website and then start on another that has taken our interest that week. This means that I probably have plans for a range that someone wants but our focus get's taken away from.

Help us help you by telling us what you want. Tell us what flags you want to see on the site or think that others might want and we will alway stive to get them done. It might also make me focus them.


Flags of War

Postage and Payments

Previously we have always charged the same for International Payments. With the increase in International order we have had to add a seperate postage option for International buyers. This will add an extra £1.25 onto the order making the Postage cost £2.25.

Details Here