Sunday 29 January 2012

Flags of War and Claymore Castings

Flags of War and Claymore Castings.

For anyone that hasn't seen it the fantastic Mr David Imire is releasing a great looking range of figure that will cover Mainly the Battle of Otterburn. He has asked me if i will make a few of the flags from the Battle for him to which i agreed with no questioned asked. So watch this space and admire the great figures until they come out.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

North Star 1672 Range

Here is some of our Thirty Years War Hepburn Regiment flags (Here) on some of their 1672 Range. Here are the links to more of their fantastic range. North Star Military Figures

Happy Burns Day!!

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o' the puddin-race!
Aboon them a' ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy o' a grace
As lang's my arm.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Anglo Zulu War Flags Empress has produced some Queens Colours for the Anglo Zulu war for Empress Miniatures. These will be exclusivly sold via Empress on their website. Go check them out.

So far the following are available with more to come:

24th (2nd Warwickshire) Regt of Foot 2nd Battalion (AZW)
3rd Regt of Foot (East Kent  (Buffs) 2nd Battn
80th Regt of Foot (Staffordshire Volunteers)

Empress Miniatures

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Naploeonic French Foreign Regiments

More add to the Naploeonic French Foreign Regiments.

NFL006 Regiment Irlandaise
NFL007 Legion Hanovrienne
NFL008 Regiment de Westphalie
NFL009 Tirailleurs Corses
NFL010 Tirailleurs DU PO

Click Here


Napoleonic United Provinces

NUP01 United Provinces Line Infantry 1815
NUP02 United Provinces Militia 1815
NUP03 United Provinces Jagers 1815

Tuesday 10 January 2012

28mm Kingdom of Westphalia

New to the range is a fantastic look set of colours. I have always loved the colours on them and think they carry a certain class.

Just now we have the Line Infantry Regiment 1808-1810 and Line Infantry Regiment 1810-1813. I hope to get the 1813 Pattern and the Guards done in time as well.

28mm French Imperial Guard Flags 1815

The 1st Grenadiers and 1st Chasseurs de la Garde received two flags with their eagles on 1st June but both were destroyed, and of the Guard’s 1815, flags only that of the Horse Artillery survives. We can only perforce to assume that flags of a similar pattern were carried by the other regiments.

These flags can be used for either the Grenadiersor the Chasseur.

Monday 9 January 2012

Focus for 2012

Like everyone who sells Wargames related products we have all have a list as long as our arm as to what products we want to make and sell. I would rather know what it is that the customers want to see released.

Here are some ideas that may help you. Let us know what you would like to see in 2012 from Flags of War.

More Napoleonics (Austria, Bavarian, Saxon etc)
Dark Age Flags
French Revoloution
More AWI (More Continetals, Brunswick)
More ECW (Covenanters, Parliment,Royalist, Horse)
More TYW (Swedes, Imperial,Militia, Regional)
Hundred Years War
Seven Years War
More War of Spanish Succession
More Williamite/ League of Augsburg
More American Civil War