Monday 20 May 2013

Nearly 100 Followers Give away

Ok we nearly have 100 followers on the Blog. Once we get to 100 i think ill do a draw for some to get free gift voucher from the list of followers. So feel free to share and recommend to you friends to follow. We are also doing this with our blog for when we get to 200 followers so feel free join that as well.

28mm New and Refreshed AWI British Flags

The New release from Flags of War is the 28mm New and Refreshed AWI British Flags. They cover the majority of the British Regiments in North America during the the American War of Independence. We have refreshed all of the old flags and the we have also the 1770 Pattern British flags.

I hope you like them.

Monday 13 May 2013

Caronnade 2013

Thanks to the Falkirk District Wargames Club for a good show yesterday and i look forward to next year. Flags of War and Claymore Castings had a stall at the show and it was great to old and new people from scene.

Me and David doing the stall or pretend to do so while our wives done it haha

Some pics from painting comp.

Some games on display

Top bloke Stu from Colonel Bills Depot

My haul from the show :)

Friday 3 May 2013

Carronade 2013

Flags of War will have a stall at this years Carronade along with Claymore Castings. If you want to pre order any flags for pick up at the show then drop us a mail at

Drop by and say hi to me and the gang.
