Saturday 31 August 2013

Website back online Sale!!!

Hi Guys,

Just to let you know the website is back online thanks to a friend in Canada. We apologies for any inconvenience this has caused. As im in a thankful mood to my friend i think ill put on a sale for the next week.

Anything you buy on the website you will get 20% off when you enter this code.



Friday 30 August 2013

Switching Website Hosts


Just to make you aware that we are in the process of switching website hosts and this is not proving as quick as i had hoped. I can only do the work that i need to do in the process when im not working.

I hope to have it fixed tonight so bare with me guys.



Thursday 1 August 2013

New Thirty Years War Imperialist Flags

After the clear favourite in the Blog Poll im working on some WSS Dutch regiments but in the mean time i finally completed some of the reworked TYW Catholic Imperialist Flags. I finished the designs a few weeks ago but i hadn't got round to putting them into a presentable format.

They are now on the site to buy from HERE

We also have two custom design flags were you can pick the colours that you want.