Monday 18 July 2011

New 28mm Prussian Napoleonic Flags

To start off out Prussian range of Napoleonics we have add the Post 1806 Line Infantry Regiments. Watch this space with more to come in the next few weeks.

PRU001 1st East Prussian
PRU002 1st Pommeranian
PRU003 2nd East Prussian
PRU004 3rd East Prussian
PRU005 4th East Prussian
PRU006 1st West Prussian
PRU007 2nd West Prussian
PRU008 Leib Regt(1st Brandenburg 1813)
PRU009 Colberg Regt(2nd Pommeranian 1813)
PRU010 1st Silesian
PRU011 2nd Silesian

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