Tuesday 13 September 2011

New Website

Hi Guys

Just to let you know that we now have a new website. With the site growing beyond what i thought it would and the reputation of it growing as well we have moved to a more advanced style of site which is far easier to use for customers.

We have a added a few new flags including Prussian Landwehr with loads more in the wings ready to go on the site soon.

Keep an eye on the site for some competions we will have over the next couple of months with some fantastic painted mini to give away. Why not go on the site and sign up for our newsletter that will be sent very.



Flags of War


  1. Just been to the web site. Some really nice flags there. Very good work. Blog looks really good too.

  2. Thanks for the nice comments Rodger :D

  3. Great new website, I might just have to stop making my own flags and buy some of yours!!

  4. Haha why buy them when you can make them mate. Your flags look great :D

  5. Just found your blog through the comment you made today on my blog. Was not aware of your company before but looking at your website I see a lot of cool stuff. Need to think which flags I need next but will definitely order some to try.

  6. Cheers Mike. Ive been doing the flags for about a year now so it's still to get more known but the word is spreading :D
