Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy Hogmany and Happy New Year!!

Just wish to say thanks to all our customers and followers for your custom and support. Hope to meet more of you next year at some shows and wish you all the best for 2012.

Happy Hogmany and Happy New Year when it comes to you and yours. 


Friday 30 December 2011

28mm Duchy of Wurttemberg 1793

More for the Wurttemberg forces, this time the 1793 Ducal Patterns which would be used by the 1st Battalions up to 1813.

Monday 26 December 2011

28mm Kingdom of Wurttemberg 1811-1814

Few requests for these flags due to the new Figures from Front Rank. I will also be doing the pre 1811 pattern as well in due course.

15mm and 20mm Wargames Flags

I have had a few emails requesting these so just making them available on the site now. Just the same as the 28mm sheets but scaled down.

Saturday 24 December 2011




Friday 23 December 2011

Prussian Landwehr

I would love to say the camera makes them looks rubbish sadly i can't haha. Still having issues with the faces but ill keep trying. Flags can be got here Landwehr Flags

Tuesday 20 December 2011

28mm French American War of Independence

Added another range that i have wanted to see for sometime but not got round to it.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

28mm Napoleonic France 1804 Pattern and Fanions

New to the website is the  France 1804 Pattern flags. We have the Imperial Guards flags for 1811-1813 along with the Line and Legere Regiments. You can select any of the Line/Legere regiments by simply putting the regiment number that you require in the box on the add to basket screen.

Along with the 1804 Pattern Flags we have released some plain coloured Fanions as these have been asked for a few times. We will be releasing some of the other Fanions in time but if you have any that you need quickly or want anything added to your Fanion like Regiment and Batt numbers drop us a mail as always.

Somes pics with more on the site.

Thursday 1 December 2011

92nd Regiment of Foot (Gordon Higlanders)

For some strange reason i never had these in the Nap range and was asked for them so willing obliged.

One of Britain and Scotlands most famous Regiments, The Gordon Highlanders.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Christmas Special from Flags of War.

Im getting excited about Christmas already. We had the Coca Cola truck at local shopping centre.

Sunday 13 November 2011

New 28mm American Civil War Union Army Flags

Some new 28mm American Civil War Union Army Flags. If you see any units that we do have but you would like added, just drop us a mail.

ACU014 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
ACU015 1st Michigan Infantry Regiment
ACU016 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Regiment (Iron Brigade)
ACU017 6th Wisconsin Volunteer Regiment (Iron Brigade)
ACU018 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Regiment (Iron Brigade)
ACU019 14th New York State Militia (Brooklyn Chasseurs) Zouaves
ACU020 19th Indiana (Iron Brigade)
ACU021 24th Michigan Infantry Regiment (Iron Brigade)
ACU022 36th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment
ACU023 42nd Pennsylvania (Bucktails) Vol - 13th Reserve
ACU024 61st Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment
ACU025 72nd Pennsylvania Vols ( Baxter's Fire Zouaves )
ACU026 76th Pennsylvania Volunteers (Keystone Zouaves)
ACU027 83rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment
ACU028 114th Pennsylvania Vols ( Collis Zouaves )

28mm War of the Spanish Succession France Flags

New 28mm French flags for the War of the Spanish Succession.

WSSF01 Régiment d'Anjou
WSSF02 Régiment d'Artois
WSSF03 Régiment d'Auvergne
WSSF04 Régiment de Beauvoisis
WSSF05 Régiment de Blaisois
WSSF06 Régiment de Courten
WSSF07 Régiment de La Couronne
WSSF08 Régiment de La Marine
WSSF09 Régiment de La Reine
WSSF10 Régiment de Médoc
WSSF11 Régiment de Navarre
WSSF12 Régiment de Normandie
WSSF13 Régiment de Ponthieu
WSSF14 Régiment de Provence
WSSF15 Régiment de Quercy
WSSF16 Régiment d'Ile-de-France
WSSF17 Régiment d'Orléans

Thursday 3 November 2011

28mm War of the Spanish Succession Flags

Have had these sitting in a folder foir a while not sure why i never uploaded them to the site.

Friday 14 October 2011

28mm Lance Pennants

These can be used for a wide range of Period's that had lancers.

28MM Spanish Civil War Nationalist Forces

Im on holiday this week so getting around to updating some of the flags missing from current ranges.

A few have asked for these and they finally here.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Flags of War 28mm Sheets

Just to update that the Flags of War sheets are available again along with some new one's. We have still to update a few of the older sheets but these will be available again soon.

Check them out on the site.

Monday 26 September 2011

Another great Tutorial from Artmaster Studios.

Friday 16 September 2011

28mm War of 1812 United States Regiment Flags

All 44 US Regiments are available in either Buff, Yellow or White for the Regimental. Just select your colour and the Regiment number you need.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

New Website

Hi Guys

Just to let you know that we now have a new website. With the site growing beyond what i thought it would and the reputation of it growing as well we have moved to a more advanced style of site which is far easier to use for customers.

We have a added a few new flags including Prussian Landwehr with loads more in the wings ready to go on the site soon.

Keep an eye on the site for some competions we will have over the next couple of months with some fantastic painted mini to give away. Why not go on the site and sign up for our newsletter that will be sent very.


Flags of War

Wednesday 17 August 2011

William III and The Scots

Couple of pics of some mini's i just painted. Not the best paint job but i'll keep at it :D

Monday 15 August 2011

Pictures from djokergaming

Thanks to Scott from djokergaming for the fantastic pictures of his Tilliers' Regiment with our Flags on them. I've been dealing with Scott for sometime and i have to say his mini's are simply amazing. Check out his blog below.

Saturday 13 August 2011

28mm English Civil War Cavalry Cornets

Who will it be Parliments Ironsides, the Royalist Cavilers or Devout Covenanters?

Well now you have a choice from Flags of War with our new English Civil War Cavalry Cornets.

 As well as some Regiment of Horse Cornets we have done some Standard Designs as well. We also have Dragoon Guidons coming soon as well.