Saturday 3 November 2012

Flags of War Competition

OK despite being in a minor car crash today when some young lad went into the back of me, I'm in a generous mood. So with this mood I'm going to do a small competition with a some £10 vouchers up for grabs and all you need to do is answers a couple of questions.

I have blacked out a famous "Capturing the Colours" scene which we want you to answer the questions on. If you think you know the answers drop us an email and we will enter you into the draw. All answers should be sent by midnight(GMT) on 09/11/12. The winners will be drawn at random and will be contacted about the win.

Feel free to follow us on the Blog or Facebook to get more updates like this coming soon.



  1. What an excellent competition and bad luck about the car, hope everything's ok?

    1. Cheers Ray, I might do a few of them. I still have a couple of figures painted by Toby at Artmaster that i was going to raffle off as well.

  2. This is a very cool idea. Sorry to hear about the car.

    1. Cheers Rodger. To be honest his car came out worse. His was a lot smaller than mine and no one was hurt so not the end of the world. These things can be fixed :D

  3. I how you are okay and the damage to your vehicle isnt to bad. Great competition too

  4. What a fabulous competition, email on its way!
