Wednesday 28 November 2012

Tsuba Miniatures - Russo Japanese War Flags

As you will have seen recently i have been doing some Bavarian flags for Markus at Tsuba Miniatures. He has asked if i will start doing some for his Russo Japanese range and the first set are 3 Japanese Regimental Standards.

Each flag was numbered with the Regiment in the White Patch. Have spoke with Markus about the designs at the time we felt it was best to leave these blank and we will look at getting a list of the Japenese numbers that can be used.

Please follow Markus Blog for updates on when the flags are available for sale.


  1. Cheers Ray. The figures are gorgeous. I don't game in the period but i'd love to paint some of them.

  2. You are really expanding your range. Superb flags once again.

    1. Cheers mate, i have a few new flags to put up but my uploader isn't working so i have to move server first...damn.
