Saturday 11 January 2014

Medieval Highlander Flags Coming Soon

I have been working with the guys at Claymore Castings again on some flags for their Medieval Highlanders. So far these are based on some of the Clans at the Battle of Harlaw. I still have a few things to do on them but they should be available very soon from Claymore.

You can get some more details on the battle HERE

Claymore Castings Highlanders and Islemen can be bought HERE


  1. Excellent work!

    I'd planned to use the Claymore highlanders in a Harlaw diorama for ages now (they're redundant for my gaming army, but to pretty not to buy!) and now it looks like I've got no excuse not to!

    1. Yeah they are gorgeous flags. I don't do Medieval figures but im thinking of doing some using Davids figures once i get my Romans out the way :)

  2. Excellent stuff.

    If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the info from? I'm quite interested in Highland heraldry.... well, most heraldry really- a real anorak when it comes to that sort of thing lol :>)

